
Saturday, August 26, 2006

August 19. The two Spitfires were used this year to commemorate the village memorial flight. XT0 PZ350 is part of the British Memorial Flight based at RAF Coningsby. 21V MK356 is based at RAF Duxford Museum. Posted by Picasa

September 2005. Lancaster Bomber fly pass over the village square in memory of the WW2 pilots that lost their lives who crashed near to the village square back in 1943. Posted by Picasa

August 22. Typhoon BG ZJ808. Day out at RAF Coningsby. Posted by Picasa

August 22. Typhoon over shoot. Posted by Picasa

August 22. Typhoon QO-W ZJ919 Posted by Picasa

August 22. Harrier Jet Posted by Picasa

August 22. Tornado GR4 Posted by Picasa

Aug 22. Typhoon  Posted by Picasa

August 22. Typhoon BZ ZJ911 Posted by Picasa

August 22. Jaguar EF XZ103 Posted by Picasa

August 22. Jaguar ZG731 Posted by Picasa

August 22. Typhoon BE ZJ806 Posted by Picasa

August 22. Tornado GR4  Posted by Picasa